In 2013 I completed a PhD at the Queensland University of Technology in the area of advanced networking and time synchronisation in substations using Ethernet networks. This work assessed in detail the performance of IEC 61850-9-2 process buses, the IEEE Std 1588 Precision Time Protocol and the recent IEEE Std C37.238 PTP Power System Profile. The outcomes of this research have been published in a series of peer-reviewed journal and conference papers.
Ingram, David M.E. (2013) Assessment of precision timing and real-time data networks for digital substation automation. PhD by Publication, Queensland University of Technology.
Video of my Final Seminar (equivalent to a Thesis Defence at QUT) is available on YouTube. This is a 55 minute presentation (including questions) that combines the slide deck and narration. The slides are available to download as a PDF.
I completed a Master of Engineering at the University of Canterbury in 1998 after researching harmonic identification algorithms for active harmonic filters. This work used a digital signal processor and field programmable gate array to implement an active filter using digital techniques to evaluate the methods.
Ingram, David M.E. (1998) An Evaluation of Harmonic Isolation Techniques for Three Phase Active Filtering. Master of Engineering, University of Canterbury.