Unicomp keyboard


I’ve been on the hunt for a really good keyboard for some time. I bought a cheap Logitech one to go with my new desktop PC, but discovered that the arrangement is non standard. While it has all the keys (unlike some of the Apple keyboards) they’re in strange places and crammed in together.

I found out about Unicomp who are continuing the line of quality keyboards from IBM and Lexmark. They are still making the keyboards in Lexington USA (rather than Lexington PRC). The shipping is quite steep as the keyboards weigh quite a lot, but I was able to find one on eBay secondhand. 20170219180027-unicomp

I ended up taking the plunge and bought a brand new ‘SpaceSaver’ in black and grey from Unicomp, but that was sent by FedEx (and the FedEx speed is making the USPS and Australia Post look really good — I doubt I will ever use FedEx again).

The key feel is quite heavy, but I think that promotes better key striking and I keep my hands up high rather than just bending my fingers. This should be better for me in the long run.

I was warned from other reviews that the keyboard is quite noisy. I certainly underestimated the noise level. I will be keeping the Logitech handy (got to love USB for allowing multiple keyboards on a PC) for late night gaming or typing. I had intended for the big beige keyboard (this one) to be used at work and for the nice small black keyboard to be used at home.

Well, not to be. The ‘bl**dy noisy’ keyboard has been banished from work. I guess the sound of hard work is too much for some, eh Al :-) ? My wife liked the keyboard when I was writing up my thesis because she could tell that I was working (and not slacking off), and didn't walk in and break my chain of thought.

My parting thoughts are that the keyboard takes some getting used to, but it won’t slide around the desk, looks ‘old school’ and will probably outlast any piece of computing hardware you have in your house.

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